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Dr Angelique Coetzee said she was first alerted to the possibility of a new variant when patients in her busy private practice in the capital Pretoria started to come in earlier this month with Covid-19 symptoms that did not make immediate sense. 

They included young people of different backgrounds and ethnicities with intense fatigue and a six-year-old child with a very high pulse rate, she said. None suffered from a loss of taste or smell.

“Their symptoms were so different and so mild from those I had treated before,” said Dr Coetzee, a GP for 33 years who chairs the South African Medical Association alongside running her practice.

She said, in total, about two dozen of her patients have tested positive for Covid-19 with symptoms of the new variant. They were mostly healthy men who turned up “feeling so tired”. About half of them were unvaccinated.

“We had one very interesting case, a kid, about six years old, with a temperature and a very high pulse rate, and I wondered if I should admit her. But when I followed up two days later, she was so much better,” Dr Coetzee says.

절반 정도는 백신 미접종자

코로나의 전형적인 증상인 미각 후각 상실은 없었음

대부분 심한 피로감을 겪음

6살 아이의 사례: 열이 나고 심박수 굉장히 증가, 하지만 이틀 후 회복

다만 남아프리카는 선진국에 비해 인구 평균이 굉장히 젊은 나이이고(65세 이상이 전체 인구의 6%밖에 안됨)

코로나가 젊은 사람들한테서는 대체로 가벼운 증상만 나타난다는 점을 감안해야함


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